Junior Appalachian Musicians, Inc., PineCone, and the North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources are excited to present this FREE interactive training session for instructors of traditional music, facilitated by professional educators and musicians, Cathy Fink and Marcy Marxer. This 90-minute training, available through Zoom, is open to both JAM instructors and other musicians in rural areas seeking to enhance knowledge and skills for remote instruction.
The agenda includes Technology Tips & Tricks, specifically for using the Zoom platform; addressing student technology barriers; teaching and differentiating instruction in a group setting (includes mock demonstrations); teaching individual/private students; and Q&A/discussion.
Please RSVP at: https://forms.gle/Rx8dbtZZRJNzn3RV8 if you would like to participate in either of the trainings, which are being offered twice to include more folks. The session will also be archived for future viewing.