Morganton JAM (NC)


Morganton JAM is a program for children in Burke County, NC. The program is held two afternoons per week (Mondays and Tuesdays) after school at the City of Morganton Recreation Center on Collett Street. The program is offering a wide variety of classes including fiddle, 3-finger banjo, guitar, mandolin and upright bass. Currently the program serves over 50 children in grades 4-8 from local schools and the homeschool community.

Burke County is known for its rich history and traditions of bluegrass, blues and old time music. Some notable historic musicians include George Shuffler, John Shuffler, Jim Buchanan, Herb Lambert, Lester Woodie and Etta Baker (Piedmont blues).

The Morganton JAM program is dedicated to carrying on those traditions with the next generation of pickers by offering small group instruction led by local master musicians.

Current Instructors:

Mary Ervin – beginner fiddle

Alyssa Mclean – guitar

Eli Houser – 3 finger banjo

David Wiseman – mandolin

Josh Berry – upright bass, guitar

For more information about Morganton JAM, call Amira Sago at the City of Morganton Department of Parks and Recreation at (828) 438-5350 or [email protected]